EdTech giant, Extramarks has announced the launch of its new logo, visual identity, and category positioning. At the core of the branding are new visual assets, including a refreshed logo and the one-stop Learning App solution- – reflecting Extramarks values- ‘fun’ ‘engaging’, ‘integrated’ and ‘inclusive’ with a modern approach to digital learning. The new branding is already live across all internal and external communication channels.
As a part of this launch, the company’s flagship product- Extramarks -The Learning App has undergone a complete experiential overhaul. Extramarks has integrated all its Applications in the K-12, JEE, NEET segments and its School-based solutions like Assessment Center and Live Class Platform into a single Extramarks – The Learning App. The App leverages the proven pedagogy of Learn-Practice-Test which encourages students towards wholesome learning.
On the occasion, RitvikKulshrestha, CEO, Extramarks stated, “Our new identity is reflective of the vitality that the children bring, reminiscent of their enthusiasm for learning, their fascination for new concepts. The reboot of our logo and The Learning App is a clear reflection of the value we deliver to learners of all age groups— creative, multi-faceted, future-facing, and modern.”
‘Extramarks – The Learning App’, an integrated digital learning platform