Tripura Police arrested a man and seized Yaba tablets worth ₹25 lakh in Bagbassa, North District, near the Assam-Tripura interstate border on Tuesday. Bagbassa Police Station Officer-in-Charge, Partha Deb, stated that the arrest followed a late-night tip-off about a Bolero car transporting a large consignment of Yaba tablets from Assam to Tripura.
“Police set up a naka point in the Bagbassa area and intercepted the vehicle. Upon inspection, approximately 10,000 Yaba tablets were found concealed in a secret chamber. The driver, Suman Mia, a resident of Dhanpur in Sepahijala District, was arrested,” Deb informed.
The seized contraband is valued at ₹25 lakh. The accused has been produced in court, with police seeking his remand for further investigation.