Times Now Doctors Day Conclave sparks urgent call for ‘Risk-Grading’ of tobacco products in India

The Times Now Doctors Day Conclave gathered top medical experts to honor their contributions and tackle pressing health issues facing India. A major focus was the persistent challenge of tobacco use despite existing national control measures.The panel highlighted the failure of current policies to effectively curb tobacco consumption, which continues to exact a heavy toll on both public health and the economy. Dr. Mohsin Wali of Sir Gangaram Hospital emphasized the need for a fresh approach to combat addiction-driven non-communicable diseases (NCDs), particularly among the youth demographic.Yugal Sikri, Vice Chairperson & Managing Director of RPG Life Sciences, drew attention to the alarming rise in NCD-related deaths linked to addiction, questioning whether the nicotine itself or its delivery systems pose the greater risk.

Dr. Rohan Savio Sequeira, a leading Cardio-Metabolic Physician, advocated for ‘risk grading’ of tobacco products, proposing an index to categorize products based on their potential harm. This approach could revolutionize tobacco control strategies by highlighting the varying risks associated with different products.The Conclave underscored the crucial role of enhanced awareness and education in combating NCDs. Atish Majumdar, Senior President of Mankind Pharma, stressed the importance of clear addiction definitions and health-risk labels for effective public health interventions.

Dr. D. Dhanuraj, Founder-Chairman of Centre for Public Policy Research (CPCR), called for collaborative efforts to accelerate awareness campaigns and explore alternative nicotine delivery systems.In Shillong, where tobacco consumption remains prevalent, the call for nuanced tobacco control strategies resonates deeply. The market dynamics reflect both the challenges posed by traditional tobacco products and the potential for harm reduction through informed policy interventions.

By Business Bureau