Renault Nissan

Renault Nissan plant produces 3.5 million powertrain units in India

Renault Nissan plant produces 3.5 million powertrain units in India

The Renault Nissan Alliance plant in Chennai, India achieved a significant milestone with the production of its 3.5 millionth powertrain units. The plant has manufactured 2.3 million engines and 1.2 million gearboxes. The landmark unit was a HRA0 TURBO engine – known for its efficiency and responsiveness – and available in the ‘Big Bold and Beautiful’ Nissan Magnite. The plant went on to produce 1 million engines within six years. RNAIPL can produce six engine variants as well as four gearbox types from its powertrain facility. It provides the quality and durability needed in India’s demanding road conditions and climate,…
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