
Check out this diet to prevent heart attacks

Check out this diet to prevent heart attacks

Physical conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol increase the chances of a heart attack or stroke. Most people around the world die from heart disease. When the cholesterol level increases, it accumulates in the blood vessels. It creates obstruction in blood circulation in the body. Coronary heart disease is more likely when the arteries become narrowed or blocked. Various symptoms, like chest discomfort, shortness of breath, and chest pressure, appear. Focus on diet to reduce heart disease risk and prevent heart attacks. Eat nuts like almonds and walnuts daily to lower cholesterol levels and keep arteries healthy. Almonds…
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Some misconceptions about hair loss, what are the reasons behind hair loss?

Some misconceptions about hair loss, what are the reasons behind hair loss?

Almost everyone has the problem of hair loss. Most people think that this happens due to a lack of proper hair care. Apart from this, many people make up many reasons for hair loss by themselves. Again, there are different opinions about what is right. Many people have a deep-rooted idea that hair falls due to certain reasons. But those reasons are not behind hair loss. Due to dandruff : Many people say that. But this is not true. Rather, there is no relationship between dandruff and hair loss. Dandruff can cause a dry scalp. It can cause itching. A few…
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Waking up late in the morning can harm health?

Waking up late in the morning can harm health?

Most people in the present generation have similar sleeping patterns. Sleeping late at night and waking up late in the morning. But this disrupted sleep pattern is not good for health. The habit of sleeping late at night and then waking up late in the morning has many negative effects on the body. Waking up late in the morning can cause many diseases because there is a very deep relationship between sleep and health. Therefore, if sleep is lost, its impact on health can also be seen. Obese people who wake up late in the morning are more likely to…
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