Hiranandani Group

Hiranandani Group Announces Its New Venture With Tez Platforms

Hiranandani Group Announces Its New Venture With Tez Platforms

the Hiranandani Group has focused on broader technology-led consumer services with its new venture - Tez Platforms. Tez Platforms will focus on large opportunities in the arena of social media, entertainment, gaming and e-sports, e-commerce, personal mobility, artificial intelligence and blockchain linked solutions. The new venture will introduce a wide gamut of services including social media, gaming & e-sports, blockchain and other emerging tech services. Darshan Hiranandani, CEO-Hiranandani Group, says, “Tez Platforms will leverage synergies and talent from various Hiranandani Group entities but also has aggressive plans to hire over 250 employees in FY 2023. Tez’s initial outlay to launch…
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