Fox Mandal

The original identity of Fox Mandal law firm will be with Som Mandal

The original identity of Fox Mandal law firm will be with Som Mandal

Fox Mandal has split, with Mr. Som Mandal's side of the firm with an office in Delhi to be called the Fox Mandal with offices in Noida Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Surat, Dhaka, and London. They are opening in Guwahati, Pune, and Ahmedabad shortly. India’s oldest law firm ‘Fox Mandal’ has been spearheaded by the dynamic leadership of Som Mandal who grew Fox Mandal not only within India but transformed it into a name well recognized throughout the world. No wonder, Fox Mandal is synonymous with Som Mandal. Now Fox Mandal with Som Mandal at the helm will be…
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