Air conditioner

Air Conditioning: Good or bad for sleep?

Air Conditioning: Good or bad for sleep?

Using an air conditioner while you sleep can offer comfort during hot nights, but it may come with certain health risks. Here are some potential concerns: Respiratory Issues: Prolonged exposure to cold air from an AC unit can irritate the respiratory system. This could lead to problems such as dry throat, nasal congestion, or even exacerbate conditions like asthma. Skin Dryness: Air conditioning often reduces humidity levels, which can lead to dry skin and discomfort. For those with sensitive skin or pre-existing skin conditions, this can be particularly bothersome. Sleep Disruption: While AC can improve sleep quality by keeping the…
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How to save AC compressor explosion in the rain?

How to save AC compressor explosion in the rain?

The monsoon has brought relief from the heat with its high mercury. There have been many incidents of explosions in air conditioners due to the extreme heat this year. Leaving the AC compressor open in direct sunlight causes more problems, like accidents like AC compressor explosions. Now that the heat has subsided and the monsoon season is on, carelessness with compressors can prove dangerous. Leaving the AC compressor exposed to rain in the open can cause major damage. can  Let's find out what problems can occur in such situations and what steps can be taken to avoid them. Danger of…
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