Sushant Singh Rajput birth anniversary: From Shah Rukh Khan to Hrithik Roshan – 4 Bollywood superstars who praised the actor sky-high. Today marks the 35th birth anniversary of popular TV and Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, whose demise on June 14, 2020, had sent shockwaves through the nation. In a short career span, the handsome hunk showed his versatility in films like Kai Po Che, MS Dhoni: The Untold Story, Chhichhore, Kedarnath and others. His journey from the small to big screen had been nothing short of inspirational, and to lay credence to this fact on the occasion of his birth anniversary, we’ve decided to share a few incidents when Bollywood superstars had praised the Dil Bechara dude for his acting and dancing skills.
While on a dance reality show as a guest judge, Hrithik Roshan had praised Sushant Singh Rajput, who was one of the contestants. The Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai actor told SSR that he is a great dancer and artist and will go a long way.
During an interaction, when a fan had asked, “Which young actor do you admire the most in the industry?”, Katrina Kaif had replied, “I believe Sushant was very good in Dhoni, which just released. I recently met my friend, Gattu, who has directed my recent film, Fitoor, and even he was like, ‘He has done amazing work.’
In an earlier interview, when Deepika Padukone was asked which actor she would rate the highest in recent times, without thinking for a second, the Bajirao Mastani actress took Sushant Singh Rajput’s name and said that she is really liking his work.
During Sushant Singh Rajput’s visit on the sets of India Poochega – Sabse Shaana Kaun, the audience witnessed great camaraderie between SSR and SRK, where the Baadshah of Bollywood praised the trailer of Detective Byomkesh Bakshy and Sushant’s performance in it. The megastar also praised him for his charm and spontaneity.