Sony India introduced four exciting new models to its High Power Party Speaker range with the MHC-V83D, MHC-V73D, MHC-V43D and MHC-V13. Packed with stunning sound and experiential party lights, these Party Speakers are set to make every moment at a party memorable. The range of High Power Party Speakers will be available across Sony retail stores (Sony Center and Sony Exclusive), portal, major electronic stores and another e-commerce website in India at a price range of Rs. 16,990 to Rs 56,990.
This new High Power Party Speaker range feature better power and improved sound quality. The Omnidirectional Party Sound is a result of combining the front and rear tweeters, the midrange, a woofer and Jet Bass Booster, enabling music to reach further and wider. The V43D and V13 are both equipped with two front tweeters that spread the sound across any venue. Like the V83D and V73D, the V43D also includes the midrange. These all-new designs increase the rigidness of the cabinet, delivering stronger bass while also improving clarity.