Some misconceptions about hair loss, what are the reasons behind hair loss?

Almost everyone has the problem of hair loss. Most people think that this happens due to a lack of proper hair care. Apart from this, many people make up many reasons for hair loss by themselves. Again, there are different opinions about what is right. Many people have a deep-rooted idea that hair falls due to certain reasons. But those reasons are not behind hair loss.

Due to dandruff : Many people say that. But this is not true. Rather, there is no relationship between dandruff and hair loss. Dandruff can cause a dry scalp. It can cause itching. A few hairs may fall out during that time. But it is not the case that dandruff only increases hair loss.

Shampooing daily: Many people say that frequent shampooing will cause hair loss. Some hair falls out while shampooing. But if you don’t shampoo, the dust and dirt that accumulate can further damage the hair. And the few hairs that fall while shampooing are not particularly harmful. Rather, it can be read all day long.

Use of commercial cosmetics: Many people use various creams and chemicals on their hair. All these are put on the head, mainly for decoration. Excessive use can lead to poor hair quality. But hair loss will increase for him, not even that.

By Banasree Sarkar