OYO Hotels & Homes has elevated Shekhar Datta, a young talented professional originally from Kolkata to VP & Chief Operating Officer, OYO’s Weddingz.in. OYO did it to keep its commitment to talent and recognise leaders, Shekhar has been a part of the OYO leadership team since August 2019. In his first role as the Revenue Head for OYO LIFE (co-living business) he helped establish the online and offline demand engines for the vertical. Since February 2020, he has been responsible for leading the Franchise business for North. Under Shekhar’s leadership, the Franchise business in North has continued to consolidate in all respects in 2020.
In his new role as COO, OYO’s Weddingz.in, Shekhar will report to Sandeep Lodha, CEO, OYO’s Weddingz.in and will help drive the supply and sales for the Weddingz.in business in the country. “We are proud of Shekhar’s leadership, where he has worked hard along with his team to drive leisure travel demand for the North region. This is in recognition of the overall impact he has created over the last year”, said Rohit Kapoor, Chief Executive Officer, OYO India & South Asia.