Printing ‘date of mfg’, ‘unit sale price’ on packaged items becomes mandatory from January 1

Printing the ‘date of manufacturing’ and ‘unit sale price’ has been made compulsory on all packaged items effective from 1st of Jan 2024, according to Consumer Affairs Secretary Rohit Kumar Singh.

Earlier, it was a choice for the companies to  either mention the ‘date of manufacturing’ or ‘date of import’ or the packaging date.

“Since packaged items are sold in different quantities, it is important that consumers are aware of the ‘unit sale price’ of what is packed and make an informed purchase decision,” the consumer affairs secretary told PTI.

Mentioning the manufacturing date will help customers know how old the packaged item is and help them make conscious purchase decisions. Similarly, the printing of unit sale prices will make it easy for consumers to know the cost in unit terms.

By Business Correspondent