Presently Maharashtra has the highest number of registered stock market investors

According to data released by the NSE Maharashtra has the highest number of registered stock market investors at over 1.48 crore as of December 25. It is followed by Uttar Pradesh with 89.5 lakh active investors and Gujarat with 76.5 lakh investor. Meanwhile states like West Bengal, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan have more than 47 lakh registered investors each. This is actually good news as people in India today know how to use their money.

Presently India has become a very good place to do business and people are achieving many successes from here. Today India is very strong economy and everyone knows the importance of India. Actually investing money in stock market is very interesting and people can earn lots of money from here. Right now India is developing very fast and people of India actually working very hard for it. In future it is hoped that people in India will invest more money in stock market and earn lots of money.  

By editor