No ads promoting online betting, I&B Ministry issues notice to media

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on Monday issued an advisory to ban advertising on line betting. The modern-day advisor comes into the light of online classifieds, having a betting website/platform that works across print, electronic, social and online media. The Ministry said that the advisory is for better public interest and comes in light of various instances of online notices of betting websites/platforms played in print, electronic, social and online media.

“Betting and gambling, illegal in most parts of the country, pose considerable financial and socio-economic dangers to consumers, especially children of formative years,” the advisory said.

“Online betting classified ads are misleading, and now do not appear to be in strict compliance with the Advertising Code under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, the Advertising Code under the Cable Television Networks Regulation Act, 1995 and the Rules of Journalistic Conduct.” Press Council of India under the Press Council Act, 1978 By”, it said.

In December 2020, the ministry issued a warning to non-public satellite TV stations to comply with Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) norms for promotion of web-based gaming including express and non-use for print and general media advertisements. Web Based Gaming.

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