A day after witnessing the worst trading session in four years, benchmark indices Sensex and Nifty recovered almost half of their losses on Wednesday after gaining over 3% each. The 30 share BSE Sensex closed at 74,382.24, up 2,303.19 points or 3.2 per cent. Nifty closed at 22,620.35, upturn 735.85 points or 3.36%. Sensex fell 4,389.73 points or 5.74% and Nifty 50 fell 1,379.4 points or 5.93% on Tuesday due to the unexpected Lok Sabha election result. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) got 240 seats, which is much less than the exit poll estimates. However, the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) secured 294…