Mysterious disease destroys potato crop in Sootea, livelihoods at risk for Assam farmers

South Sootea farmers are struggling with an unnamed disease that is spreading quickly and has decimated their potato crops, leaving fields bare and endangering their livelihoods. The farming community is in great anguish as a result of the unexplained disease’s devastating effects, which have caused acres of potato fields to wilt and die. Farmers in the area have focused on growing a variety of vegetables, with potatoes serving as a main crop. Many people had great expectations for the potato crop this season, but this unexpected setback has dampened their spirits. According to reports, a similar outbreak was seen only a few days ago in a nearby community. However, the illness spread to other villages, including No. 1 Adaveti and No. 2 Kumalia, as a result of agricultural officials’ lack of proactive measures.

Farmers are extremely worried about their future as the illness continues to wreak havoc on crops, causing plants to turn red and wilt prematurely. The crops have failed to flourish despite significant labor and financial investment, leaving nothing but hopelessness in their wake. Some farmers have turned to spraying pesticides in an attempt to fight the disease, but this hasn’t worked. Due to the agricultural department’s failure to act promptly, the issue has gotten worse. Farmers are currently dealing with uncertainty regarding the future of their crops and means of subsistence since they feel abandoned and neglected. These farmers are powerless in the face of an escalating agricultural catastrophe as a result of the problem being exacerbated by a lack of direction and preventative actions.

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