Meet Aveek Dey from Kolkata, translating lessons from the Indian Army to steer Amazon India’s operations network

After serving the nation and navigating through successful missions, Military veterans explore corporate life and bring their diverse experience from serving the country to building and driving corporate businesses.. Launched in 2019, Amazon’s Military Veterans Employment Program welcomes military veterans across the country and helps them smoothly transition to a successful career at Amazon.

Since then he has been spearheading operations at the FC and along with his team, is ensuring timely and safe delivery to the customers. Drawing parallels between the Military and Amazon, Aveek shares, “Amazon is very similar to the Army in more ways than one.

The focus on teamwork, adherence to processes and a unifying organizational goal is very similar to what we did in the Forces. Aveek is one among the hundreds of veterans working in Amazon India. In 2019, Amazon India Operations partnered with the office of the Director-General of Resettlement  , Indian Naval Placement Agency  , Indian Air Force Placement Agency  , and the Army Welfare Placement Organization   to ensure continued work opportunities for military veterans in the country.

By Business Correspondent