In preparation of the upcoming festive season and the Big Billion Days, Flipkart, India’s homegrown e-commerce marketplace, has expanded its Kirana program in Eastern India with nearly 13,000 kiranas onboarded under this initiative from the region. This expansion is part of the over 50,000 kiranas that Flipkart has onboarded across the country to provide a faster and personalised e-commerce experience to millions of consumers while also augmenting an alternate source of income for the kiranas.
The expansion of Flipkart’s kirana program across Eastern cities such as Kolkata, Guwahati, Silchar, Noonmati and Shillong makes e-commerce more inclusive by connecting kiranas and consumers from the region to the country’s fast-growing digital commerce. Since the penetration of modern retail, primarily in North-Eastern states, is low, this onboarding of kiranas will benefit both consumers and kiranas in accessing the widest selection of goods and ensuring an additional source of income for them respectively. The kirana program is part of Flipkart Group’s efforts to drive growth for millions of kiranas across the country.