Kia Motors India launched the Kia Seltos Anniversary Edition to celebrate its one-year milestone in the country. The limited edition Kia Seltos will be available exclusively in the HTX trim starting at an exciting price of Rs 13,75,000. The Kia Seltos Anniversary Edition comes with many exterior and interior changes over the regular Seltos. This edition of the Seltos comes equipped with Remote Engine Start for Manual Transmission. The length of this car is increased by 60mm over the regular Seltos. The Seltos Anniversary Edition will be available in four exterior colours: one monotone Aurora Black Pearl colour, and three dual tone colour schemes – Glacier White Pearl with Aurora Black Pearl, Steel Silver with Aurora Black Pearl and Gravity Grey with Aurora Black Pearl. The Kia Seltos Anniversary Edition is available in both petrol and diesel engines.
The company has introduced this special edition to celebrate the incredible achievement of the Seltos with several enhancements to the car. Kia Seltos has been a revolutionary product in terms of design and quality that transformed the mid-SUV segment in the country. Kia Seltos has received a tremendous response from customers across the country and has marked 1 Lakh unit sales in less than a year’s time.