Kalyan Jewellers launched the new Sankalp collection – a line of traditional jewellery, handcrafted in yellow-gold with enamel Meenakari work. With Persian Meenakari work subtly incorporated into the kaarigari, Sankalp collection pays homage to the timeless pieces of the Bengal’s jewellery repertoire. From a Panch Noli heirloom necklace to the Sonar Haar, Juihaar and bangles, the Ratanchur to the various styles of tie chains, Kaan Pasha and Angti rings, each of the pieces in this collection are loaded with cultural and traditional symbolism. To make this festival shine even brighter, Kalyan Jewellers, has announced exciting offers with the ‘300 kg Gold Giveaway’ campaign. Customers shopping at Kalyan will receive instantly redeemable vouchers against their purchases. This offer is valid until 30 November.
The Sankalp Collection will be launched with a new brand campaign featuring Kalyan Jewellers brand ambassador and Bengali actor Ritabhari Chakraborty. The collection is priced from Rs 20,000 onwards and is available in Kalyan showrooms across West Bengal, Assam, Odisha, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. The brand also has announced the Dhanteras Pre-Book offer that will ensure gold rate protection. By paying 20% advance on the intended purchase value, customers can pre-book their jewellery at prevailing rates. The advance-booking offer will end by 20 October.