Keeping with the Kalyan Jewellers’ tradition of Trust Series Ad Films, the brand announced the launch of the 6th edition of its #TrustIsEverything campaign with a digital film starring all of Kalyan’s brand ambassadors. Kalyan Jewellers’ Trust series exhibits the emotion of ‘Bharosa’ through the storyline of wedding celebrations across the country. The 90-second multilingual film sees global and regional brand ambassadors come together, to celebrate their different identities, languages, cultures and traditions, woven together by the emotion of ‘Bharosa’.
Starting with the #MyGoldMyRight campaign to the latest #BharosaHiSabKucchHai, the brand has endevoured to consistently portray the principle of trust in creative ways. From Jaya Bachchan’s ‘BharosaRakho’ to Amitabh Bachchan’s heavy voiced ‘Bharosa Hi Sab Kucch Hai’, the film takes us through a plethora of emotions witnessed during the auspicious wedding Muhurat in households from North to South and East to West, while highlighting the nuances and traditions of each culture. The multi-starrer #TrustIsEverything film was shot with a limited cast and crew. Kalyan’s national brand ambassador Amitabh Bachchan digitally launched the film on social media. Kalyan Jewellers will be amplifying this video on television and the company’s digital properties.