IIE signs MoU with MoRD to promote entrepreneurship

The Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship under the aegis of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Rural Development to promote entrepreneurship at a local level amongst the rural youth. The sub-schemes of the National Rural Livelihoods Mission the Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme with the core objective of promoting employment opportunities in rural India, particularly developing self-employment avenues for unemployed rural people.

The programme aims to enable the rural poor to start their own businesses. It will provide support to the State Rural Livelihoods Mission (SRLM) for the scheme’s successful implementation. The main objective of the programme is to develop local resources by training a pool of village-level Cadre of Community Resource Persons-Enterprise Promotion and build the capacity of the NRLM and SHG federations to monitor, direct the work of the CRPEPs. The programme will also help the rural entrepreneurs to access finance for starting their enterprises from the NRLM SHGs and federations, the banking systems including the MUDRA.
The Secretary of MSDE Mr. Rajesh Aggarwal said, “We are certain that this will further boost the employment opportunities in rural India with a step in the direction of Aatmanirbhar Bharat and as our Hon’ble Prime Minister states, Start-ups will be the backbone of the New India of our dreams.”

By Business Correspondent