India’s leading real-estate portal owned by Elara Technologies, has launched ‘Housing Edge’. It is a unique full stack rental and allied services platform, through which the company enables digitisation of multiple services which tenants and landlords can use. These services for both, owners and tenants, include packages like online rent payment, online rental agreements, tenant verification, packing & moving, furniture rental, home interiors and home services.
Most Housing Edge services are available in Delhi, Bengaluru, Gurugram, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune. Now, plans are underway to offer these services in several other cities. The company has also partnered with industry-leading brands to ensure a quality user experience. Over time, more innovative services will be added on to the online platform. The Pay Rent feature on Housing Edge, which has been launched simultaneously for all platforms including Android, IOS and web, has received a tremendous response wherein, the company has facilitated more than 2,00,000 transactions in the past seven months and has processed pay rent requests exceeding Rs 600-crore.