Glenmark’s Remo MV and Remozen MV at Rs. 16.5

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited (Glenmark) has launched a fixed dose combination (FDC) of Sodium Glucose Co-Transporter Inhibitor (SGLT2i) – Remogliflozin Etabonate and another widely used DPP4 inhibitor (Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 inhibitor) – Vildagliptin, with Metformin (first-line medication for the treatment of type 2diabetes). Glenmark has launched the same under two brand names Remo MV and Remozen MV. In chronic diseases like Type 2 diabetes, patients are required to consume multiple anti-diabetic drugs for prolonged periods of time.

This fixed drug combination is indicated for the management of Type 2 diabetes. The combination contains Remogliflozin (100 mg) + Vildagliptin (50 mg) + Metformin (500/1000 mg) in a fixed dose and must be taken twice daily. Glenmark is the first company in the world to launch Remogliflozin + Vildagliptin + Metformin fixed dose combination (FDC) and India is the first country to get access to this FDC drug.

While the average daily cost of therapy of existing brands in the same drug category is around Rs. 75, Glenmark’s Remogliflozin + Vildagiptin + Metformin combination has been launched at a breakthrough price of Rs. 16.50 per tablet, which amounts to Rs.33.00 as the per day cost of therapy. This cost is at least 53% lower than the other available SGLT2 & DPP4 combination drugs administered along with Metformin. Glenmark received approval from the DCGI (the drug approval authority in India) for manufacturing and marketing this fixed dose combination in late September 2021.

By Business Correspondent