Get rid from tough cough just by following easy home remedies

Winter season means cold and cough. Especially during the change of season, whether it is fever or viral infection, cough is accompanied by a tail. Even after the cold and fever subsides, the stubborn cough does not want to subside. To get rid of this discomfort of winter cough, doctors prescribe syrup. Many people get sleepy again even after taking that syrup. In many cases, even taking syrup does not help. You can rely on home remedies to avoid problems.

Mix two teaspoons honey half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a little ginger juice in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it at least two to three times a day to get relief from dry cough. Ginger is also a good remedy for relieving cough. Mixing a piece of ginger with salt and drinking it every few minutes can reduce cough. You can also try drinking honey throughout the day, this will also control cough. You can keep cloves in your mouth to get relief from sore throat and dry cough during cold, cough and seasonal changes. If you have a cough with a scratchy throat, you can mix a little turmeric with hot milk. Drinking this drink regularly increases the body’s immunity and also provides relief from cough. If you have a cough, chew basil leaves and eat them. You can also mix basil leaves with tea. Basil leaves cure a scratchy cough very quickly.

By Banasree Sarkar