Flipkart, India’s homegrown market has partnered with Safari Industries to launch Magnum, the inexpensive range of bags on the platform. This partnership assumes significance, as India prepares for the upcoming festive season and Flipkart prepares for its annual Big Billion Days, focusing on bringing the first-class manufacturers to Indian consumers. Through this partnership, Magnum will be capable to get wider market get right of entry to and make their merchandise throughout categories, handy in more recent geographies and pin codes. This consists of tough baggage made of one hundred percent polycarbonate and gentle baggage made of strong, long lasting fabric, backed by means of the dependable Safari warranty.
Magnum incorporates with it the promise of sturdiness and style, bringing dependable bags to the elegant traveller. The company has grown at an incredible CAGR of 40% over the closing three 12 months long with a footprint of over 2200 shops Pan India and is now turning a new leaf with an on line one-of-a-kind partnership with Flipkart, centred on bringing scale and geographical reach.