Eye care: 5 Habits to Add to Your List of New Year’s Resolutions

2023 is here and as we compile our new year’s resolutions, eyecare is not likely to make the list. And that’s why we have recommended five resolutions for the new year that you must incorporate to preserve good eye health. Increasing cases of progressive diseases like age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy (DR) have become a concern.

AMD is caused by the loss of tissue in the macula and affects central vision. Although it is more common in the aged, cases of early-onset have been reported resulting from several factors including genetics. About 17.6% to 28.9% of diabetics in India suffer from diabetic retinopathy (DR) . DR is a result of uncontrolled diabetes that damages retinal blood vessels.

 It can further cause leakage of fluids into the macula. This is called diabetic macular edema (DME). 1 out of 3 diabetics can develop DME. MJ Barman, HOD Retina dept. Sankara Deva Netralaya, Guwahati says, “Elderly people and those who are suffering from co-morbidities such as diabetes should get their annual routine eye screening as this will help in early detection and timely treatment”.

By Business Correspondent