Ensure a healthy life for mothers with almonds

Mothers are rightly called the pillar of a family. For every mother, there’s an endless list of commitments. To honor their efforts and celebrate motherhood, focus on the various aspects of their health and nutrition.
Proper nutrition and healthy habits are essential in maintaining a healthy life. As much as they take care of their family, they must make it a habit to do the same for themselves.

A good way to start is by making time for regular exercise and incorporating a balanced diet. Replacing a fried snack with a handful of almonds between meals provides plant protein, calcium, iron, vitamin E, magnesium, riboflavin, and zinc in addition to other vital nutrients. Regular consumption of almonds can help mothers lead a healthier lifestyle. Celebrate all mothers for all their love, contributions, and sacrifices and pledge to take better care of them with a handful of almonds.

Integrative Nutritionist and Health Coach Neha Ranglani said, “Research suggests that regular consumption of almonds may reduce harmful LDL cholesterol levels and help maintain protective HDL cholesterol when included in a healthy diet. It may also help reduce levels of heart-damaging inflammation for individuals with type-2 diabetes. Thus, mothers should make it a habit to start their day by eating a handful of almonds (30 grams/ 23 almonds) daily. A study published by the researchers at the University of Leeds found that snacking on almonds mid-morning resulted in a lower overall hunger drive and suppressed unconscious desire to consume high-fat foods.”

By Business Correspondent