Eco Finance to organise Mega Loan Restructuring Mela from

Eco Finance (Amar Shakti Commerce and Industries Ltd) Assam based NBFC is going to organise Mega Loan Restructuring Mela from 1st March 2022 to 31st March 2022.During the Press Meet Managing Director kumar Gaurav gave a brief that considering Covid situation we have formulated a very good scheme for our borrowers under loan restructuring where they will get the benefit of 50% waiver on fine and penal interest . At the same time after the restructuring of the loan amount with the new loan, borrowers will get 4% reduced interest rate which will enable all good borrowers to save their money and regularize the loan . If someone willingly not come forward and not pay borrowed money on time , Echo Finance as NBFC will take legal steps against all wilful defaulters. Echo Finance CGM Mr. Ramen Kalita and Mr. Pranjal Mazumdar have been given this assignment to execute the scheme smoothly.

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