Eat a handful of almonds regularly to curb the onset of Diabetes

World Diabetes Day is celebrated across the globe on 14th of November to spread awareness around this health condition. The prevalence of diabetes is proliferating in the country and has posed a serious health concern. Based on the Indian Council of Medical Research – INdiaDIABetes (ICMR-INDIAB) study conducted in 15 states, the overall prevalence of prediabetes was 10.3% & diabetes was 7.3% , which makes it imperative to increase our awareness around this condition.

Preventing prediabetes is the key to control progression of Type 2 Diabetes. One such food is nuts like almonds. Almonds are a low glycemic index food and pack a host of nutrients like plant protein, dietary fiber, good fats and important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, magnesium and potassium making them a smart snack for those with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes.

 When eaten daily as a part of a healthy meal plan, almonds offer a wide range of health benefits ranging from weight management to heart health and beyond. Speaking about the dietary measures for diabetics, Ritika Samaddar, Regional Head – Dietetics, Max Healthcare, Delhi, said “Moreover, almonds have satiating properties which can keep hunger at bay for a long time and reduce craving for unhealthy foods.”

By Business Correspondent