India’s digital destination for news, entertainment & audio originals, announces the launch of Dolby Atmos immersive audio on the Earshot podcast streaming service app. Earshot is the first podcast platform in India to stream its signature podcasts and original series in Dolby Atmos, which will enable consumers to build a deeper connection with audio stories they love.
The podcast as a service is unique as it brings entertainment to the consumer whether on the go or at home. Earshot. in-app users can now unlock a truly revolutionary audio experience with Dolby Atmos and transform their mobile listening experience forever. Podcasts in Dolby Atmos on Earshot in multiple languages will envelop the user in a rich soundscape which unleashes every detail as it was meant to be heard with unparalleled clarity, depth, and realism.
With the Earshot. in-app on compatible Dolby Atmos-enabled smartphones, consumers will be able to enjoy podcasts in Dolby Atmos, in multiple languages. has content available in multilingual languages. The Earshot team comprises India’s leading editors, journalists, and radio professionals.