DSP Flexi Cap Fund completes 25 years

DSP Investment Managers announced the 25-year completion of the DSP Flexi Cap Fund. Launched on 29thApril 1997, it has a proven portfolio that has been through many market cycles and has delivered returns of 19.1% CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Rate) since inception. Rs 1 lakh invested at inception in DSP Flexi Cap Fund would have grown to over Rs 78 lakh by now, whereas a similar investment in Nifty 500 TRI would have grown to Rs 31.74 lakh.
It takes a structured approach to investing by focusing on business longevity, prudent management and growth sustainability.

The BMG Framework followed by the fund includes businesses that are less capital intensive, have a high cash conversion, market share dominance, judicious capital allocation, and superior margins reflecting in higher ROE and growth rates of profits. The CAGR rolling returns of DSP Flexi Cap Fund over any 10-year period has been a minimum of 6.9% and a maximum of33.5%. It is managed by Atul Bhole and Abhishek Ghosh. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. There is no assurance of any returns/capital protection/capital guarantee to the investors in the Scheme.
The MD & CEO of DSP Investment Managers Mr. Kalpen Parekh said, “We are thankful to the lakhs of investors who have invested in the fund over the last 25 years and over 20,000 distributors who have recommended the DSP Flexi Cap Fund over the same period.”

By Business Correspondent