Dalmia Cement Bharat Expresses Solidarity with Meghalaya

In its ongoing pledge towards supporting the people of Meghalaya affected by the incessant rain and floods, Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited (DCBL) has contributed INR 25 Lakhs to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund to strengthen the government’s rebuilding and rehabilitation efforts. DCBL’s Meghalaya facility team also helped stranded commuters towards the road going into Silchar and provided them with warm meals and clean drinking water. The company’s sales and logistics team continue to procure and distribute relief materials to affected families.

Nearly 3,00,000 people from Silchar are in distress with an acute shortage of food, clean drinking water, and medicines, as the city remains submerged. To ensure DCBL employees and their family members, including godown handlers, based in and around flood-affected areas have adequate access to clean drinking water, raw material to cook warm food & emergency medicines, the company procured and distributed relief items. DCBL continues to connect with households in the adjacent villages of Meghalaya and distribute essential items among community members. The plant heads in the region are also reaching out to employees and communities on a regular basis to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

Mr. Padmanav Chakravarty, Executive Director – Manufacturing, DCBL said, “We stand by the people of Meghalaya and salutethe courage and resilience that they continue to display during this life-threatening ordeal.”

By Business Correspondent