The Tripura CPI(M) will hold a rally in front of Rabindra Bhavan on Wednesday, marking the start of the party’s 24th state conference. The decision comes after the administration denied permission for the event at two preferred venues, Swami Vivekananda ground and Umakanta Academy ground, citing various reasons.
CPI(M) state secretary and opposition leader Jitendra Chaudhury criticized the rejections, alleging political bias. He pointed out that the BJP had previously held an event at Umakanta Academy ground in January 2023 by declaring a school holiday.
The three-day conference will feature key leaders, including CPI(M) coordinator Prakash Karat and politburo member Brinda Karat. While the Rabindra Bhavan venue is less spacious and located in the city center, Chaudhury urged authorities to ensure the rally proceeds without disruption.
The CPI(M) has also reported incidents of party flags and banners being vandalized ahead of the event. Chaudhury accused the ruling BJP of fearing the opposition’s gathering, despite its “Ek Tripura Srestha Tripura” slogan.