Now the Lok Janshakti Party LJP ) has officially split into two, with the rival factions claiming to be the “real” edition and enacting the by now familiar routine of expelling each other. Soon after the rebel group, led by Chirag Paswan ‘s uncle Pasupati Kumar Paras removed him from the national president’s post at the party’s “emergency meeting”, the Chirag-controlled national executive committee expelled five rebel MPs led by Paras for “anti-party activities”.Both sides claimed they have followed the due procedure of calling “emergency” meetings for taking the decision. Each also claimed it is the “original” LJP and the matter is likely to reach the Election Commission soon, in what might result into a hard-fought legal feud among the Paswan clan members for the control of party symbol of “Bungalow”.
While Chirag has been isolated in the parliamentary party as all other MPs have backed Paras, sources said he continued to enjoy the support of other LJP leaders.
Sources said the rebel group would now seek to remove Chirag as the leader of the LJP parliamentary board, stripping him of every position he took control of after the death of his father just ahead of Bihar Assembly elections last year.
Sources said MP Surajbhan would function as the working president till a new president was elected at an LJP national executive meeting expected to be called soon.