On January 3, Ajay Kumar Bhalla was sworn in as the governor of Manipur. Chief Justice D Krishnakumar of the Manipur High Court delivered the oath of office to Bhalla. He examined the guard of honor provided by the Manipur Rifles. The oath-taking event was attended by Chief Minister N. Biren Singh, MLAs, high-ranking officials, and police personnel, among others. Since May 2023, the northeastern state has been beset by ethnic conflict, which coincides with the reshuffle. Lakshman Prasad Acharya, who has been in Manipur since July 2023, is replaced by Bhalla. The appointment was authorized by President Droupadi Murmu. In August of last year, Bhalla, who holds the unique distinction of being the union home secretary with the longest tenure, concluded his five-year term.