At the first ‘Facebook Fuel For India’ virtual event, the company announced the test of a new version of Instagram Lite in India. The app is meant to provide access and a high quality Instagram experience to people in India, irrespective of the device, platform and network they are on.
Instagram has released a slew of new features in the past few months, that have either debuted in India or India has been one of the first countries to test it. Now, Instagram is extending the test of Instagram Lite to people in India. The app is less than 2MB in size. The Instagram Lite app is created to bring the core Instagram experience to people who do not have an Instagram experience today. The app is made for Android and this new version has improved speed, performance, and responsiveness. The experience is similar to the core Instagram app experience, though there are some features that are not currently supported. The app will be available in Bangla, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu.