Schneider Electric India, has presented the 4th edition of the Prerna Awards. Prerna Awards by Schneider Electric was institutionalized in 2015, it recognise and honour courageous women, who have challenged the status quo in society, faced all odds, and have made strong contributions to the society. This year the three recipients of the honour were Kriti Bharti founder of Saarthi Trust, Sonal Kapoor founder of Protsahan NGO, and Hekani Jakhalu of YouthNet.
The awards were preceded by a thought-provoking conversation between Dr. Kiran Bedi, IPS (Retd.), Former Lieutenant Governor, Puducherry and Rachna Mukherjee, CHRO India and South Asia, Schneider Electric India. While congratulating the awardees Dr. Kiran Bedi said, “I am overjoyed that Schneider Electric India has recognized these rising social entrepreneurs and has provided them with the platform necessary to build their presence in society and positively influence future generations.”
4th edition of the Prerna Awards