190 Naga Army declares loyalty to Kitovi

A portion of the Naga Army’s GPRN/NSCN rank and file defended themselves against the April 21, 2024, “coup” against N. Kitovi Zhimomi and urged others not to in any way label them as traitors or power brokers. The event started when the Naga Army’s commander-in-chief (C-in-C) ordered 190 personnel—including two major generals, four brigadiers, six colonels, twenty-three lieutenant colonels, forty-three majors, forty-one captains, twenty-one second lieutenants, 19 sergeant majors, thirteen sergeants, fourteen corporals, and four lance corporals—to return to the general headquarters (GHQ) Khehoyi camp from various commands and units and to report by April 20, 2024, at the latest.

They claimed that this rendered them unable to speak and that they were unable to understand why Samson and “maj. gen.” Hotoi took this action. The 190 explained their stance to the Nagas and Naga national workers, pointing out that Samson and Hotoi were the only ones who carried out the coup in the history of the Naga people’s struggle for self-determination, and they claimed that they were accountable and liable for it. They also expressed respect for Kitovi, who they described as a “a tall leader among the Naga national leaders” who had sacrificed his prime age and continuing his loyalty and serving to protect the future of the younger generation.

They also reaffirmed their commitment to Kitovi Zhimomi, their unchallenged leader, who would always shepherd the people toward a brighter future, and they would not permit anyone to take advantage of or divert their allegiance. Additionally, they vowed to support Kitovi in fortifying the NSCN (GPRN) and to continue to strengthen and reinforce the Agreed Position in pursuit of an early Naga settlement.

By Banasree Sarkar