10th anniversary of ‘Beharbari Outpost’ has now arrived

Celebrating a journey that began ten years ago! The filming of ‘Beharbari Outpost’,  the longest-running serial in Assam and the North East with the first Episode being aired back on August 19, 2013, or on this day. Zubeen Garg and Jatin Bora as a chif guest in this program.  They are pleased and glad to announce that ‘Beharbari Outpost’ now holds the distinguished position of being the second-longest-running television serial in India, among the ones being aired currently.

They learned, developed and sharpened their storytelling, using humour to address social topics and they’ve always spoken for the people of Assam. ‘Beharbari Outpost’ has sought solutions for delicate issues that bother families or the society and has tried to create awareness on important topics.

The illustrious 10th anniversary of ‘Beharbari Outpost’ has now arrived! They are happy to announce that they’ve aired more than 2400 episodes so far.

By Business Correspondent